Monday, July 13, 2015


Recently we were victims of this atm machine skimming. Luckily we saw the fraudulent charges when we were online paying a bill, they were for that day and the day before.  We try to never use a street atm machine, only in a bank. We also set up multiple accounts proctecting the majority of our savings. Of course the one time we did use a street machine the info was skimmed and used several days later.

This has caused that card to shut off amd it was our only card left. Steve' card had already been shut off when we first left because Home Depot' data was compromised, this left only my card active. We will now need to be very careful with our spending until we get back to the states in Sept. 

We have been discussing new strategies to provent this in the future. Since we have several accounts we will take cards for all of them. We also decided to take the advice of another cruising couple, we will electonically transfer only the amount we plan to withdraw into the account a few days before, leaving the account empty and less vulnerable. 

Lesson learned, thank goodness we use Capital One, they will reimburse us fully.

I would love to hear what other travelers do to prevent this from happening 


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