
Friday, November 20, 2015

Visitor and a trip to the Cayos Cochinos

Well this week has been exciting. A long time friend flew in from Houston last Saturday to spend the whole week with us aboard Saga Sea.

We showed her around the west end of Roatan. Had a great time and had a chance to play around with our new cameras. She brought a gopro and I had a knockoff brand. We were filming everything. You will get to see some of my awful filming on our YouTube channel or on Saga Sea's facebook page. 

On Monday we took off to The small Cayos Cochinos islands here in the Bay Islands. Had a great sail over there. It took about four hours from West End. 

A few hours after dropping anchor a local man, Foster, paddled over to us with his stash of jewelry that the locals have made. I bought a pair of earings and he told us that we could come by one of the little islands for lunch the next day. 

We had a pleasant night, the next morning we had a visit from the park officials were we completed their paperwork and paid the entry fee, it is $29 for the first day and $20 for each day therefore. 

We then headed out to explore the little islands. Two or three seem to be privately owned. On one we were politely escorted off. We then found Foster's island. 

We had a filling lunch and tour around the "peanut" island. The water was gorgeous with all the silky white sand. You will have to watch a few of the videos just to see these beautiful islands. 

On Wednesday, we sailed back to Roatan but to the east side and anchored in Jonesville bight. Here, Jesselyn got to see where we stayed a little over two months when Saga Sea's decks were being recored. She got to meet several of the expats friends we meet while there. One of our friends, Mark, took us on a road tour of the island then a boat mangrove tour. 

Today, Steve, Mark and Jesselyn went snorkeling and we enjoyed her last full day here in Roatan. When she first arrived ahe was welcomed aboard with a little chalkboard saying "Welcome Aboard Jesselyn". Tomorrow morning the chalkboard will say "get your crap and get off the boat" lol :-).  Honestly, we loved having her aboard. We loves sharing our life with "wage slaves"  even if it is only for a week.  Jesselyn has been a long time sailing friend. She has longed to live life and we are happy to have the opportunity to show her how easy it really can be. We cant wait for her to come back. 

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