
Friday, November 13, 2015

Other great traveling blogs

Just to let everyone know I have added a list of some of my favorite blogs to the right side column. I hope all of the links work, we all know I am a bit slow at this, but I am trying.. I remember finding new blogs from others posting their favorites to their blog. It helped a lot when we were in the dreaming and planning stage of this lifestyle. Their stories and experience helped us tremendously. I am stubborn but I don't like to reinvent the wheel each time. It also help me figure out what way was best for us, each one has their own way and each of them works.... well!
I hope you find each of them as entertaining and helpful as I have. I continue to keep the Bumfuzzles on the list because they are the first, at least for us. Steve found them when they first started... they are the reason I am where I am.. lol thanks you Bums.. hahah

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