
Monday, May 18, 2015

Refitting Our Home, 36 Union, Saga Sea

Over coffee we looked back on the past four years with our home, Saga Sea.

We had decided to live on a sailboat from when we were dating. Steve grew up sailing in Galveston Bay and he came from a long line of sailors. His father had sailed and raced up and down the Gulf Coast and in New York area when he lived there back in the 50s. 

It had always been a dream of Steve' to live on a sailboat. It had always been a dream of mine to travel the world. So we were a match made, Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty. 

Our first boat we bought together was a dream boat of Steve', Alberg 30. Very classic lines but too narrow for me. So Steve showed me a Tayana 37. I fell in love. Love how beamy she was and all the teak inside. Decision made on what type of boat we wanted to save for. 

Years went by with our little Alberg and I watched Steve constantly work and change all kinds of things on her. In my eyes Steve had to make it his. She had to have and operate just had he wishes. Growing up with mechanical fathers and grandfather I recognized a man that needed to have a boat that he could rebuild.  Since we didnt have a lot of money we needed to find a boat that needs a whole refit. 

We were so set on sticking to our plan that I suggested we move into the Alberg to allow us to save even more money to make our dream reality. So we took the plung. Around a year of living in the Alberg a boat that fit what we wanted came into our price range. 

I admit I had to push my Charlie Brown into trusting me. We made a very low offer for as is. The owner was not happy. Though he only used her as a weekend condo and she was rotten more and more it pained him to let her go for so little. We increased our offer but with the requirement of an inspection. I had to shine a light on reality for the poor guy.   The inspection revealed all the work poor Saga Sea needed. She was built for world traveling but was left on a line tied to the dock for way too long. The owner took our original offer and we had our new home. 

Looking back I sure hope he can see now that he did the right thing. Im not sure she could of gotten a better home. We have pour sweat and money over her. 

Here is a rough estimate of what we have done in the past four years. Keep in mind that Steve has done all of the work except for this last thing with the recoring, that has been priceless. 

Boat      -                           30,000
New Beta Engine   -           14,000
Batteries                -              1,000
AC.                        -              2,000
Fridge                    -              2,000
Stove                    -               2,000
Fans.                     -                  500
Lighting.                -               1,000
Toilet/plumming.     -              2,000
Ceiling.                   -              1,000
Water filter.             -               1,000
Cusions.                -                1,000
Solar Panels.          -                1,000
Electronics.            -                 2,500
Deck Recore.         -                 4,300
Anchor/chain.        -                  2,000
Chain Plates.          -                 1,000
Boom Gallow movement.         1,000
Generator.              -                 1,000
Two FG propane tank/grill.           500
Total.                                     72,800

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