
Monday, May 18, 2015

More Pictures

So here are some other pictures I have saved on my phone that I would like to share before deleting them forever. 

This is from the day I went to renew our immigration status. I had a great day with Marilyn and her sisters. They took me down to Coxen Hole where the immigration and port captians offices are.  We also did a bit of shopping. 

Marilyn is Andrea' daughter inlaw

These are Luven' yard dog. Blackie and Rusty. 

My favorite. I actually had a dog that looked just like him

Just a pic of locals

Shots of local schools. Some public and some private

I love that they are behind bars. Lol. Not sure it is to keep people out or IN hahah

A Fiddler Crab in a light bulb. 

Inside the boat when I got to go inside

Fall out from 5200 and resin. Steve now has to let me recover the seabirth cushion. UGGG

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