
Friday, November 28, 2014

Turkey Day on the Island

So turkey day was nice. Always love some turkey and all the fixings. We were invited to gather with the other live aboards at Bahia Tortuga, owned by Danny. He was great, provided the turkey and dressing. As well as a fabulous location. 

 But, I am really turned off by all the American traditions. We all know what was really done to the natives and since I myself am part Cherokee I don't really care to participate.  But I did and we had a lovely time. Food and company was good and interesting. 

Today, Steve went to get a bike from a fellow live aboard. He said it will need some work, but Steve was eager to have a project. Im looking forward to being more mobile. The island is five miles long and most of the time we either walk north to downtown or south. When walking south we make it about to the middle of the island and then walk back. So probably anywhere from 2 1/2 miles to 5, that is including the round trip. 

Now, I can load Fairlane up and take off. I will be exploring and trying to befriend the locals. I want to learn more about their society. I want to learn about the different groups and hear about how they feel regarding the massive and rapid growth they have went through. They island has changed drastically just since We were here in 2003. 

We only have a month or so left before we sail to Belize. I need to get busy. Time flies. Hard to believe we have been here almost two months. Crazy. 

Oh forgot to mention. Temperatures have dropped a little, upper 70s. So here is Steve. Lol  I think we have gotten used to the climate without central air. Lol

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