
Monday, November 24, 2014

The bitter sweet parts of a Traveler' life

Im finding life as a traveler bitter sweet. You can meet people your soul speaks to but then you have to say goodbye or rather "see ya later". I suppose this happens in everyone' life but I still dont enjoy it one bit. 

We fell head over heels with an awesome couple from Maine. They had cruised for five years early in their marriage and were back out doing it again. They will forever be our Momma and Pappa Syrinx.  

We anchored next to them because we felt they must know what they are doing since we saw they owned a Pudgy dinghy and their boat had beautiful lines despite being made of steel. Hahah just joking. Sure enough they were full of wisdom and were fellow Pardey followers as well. 

Well we had to say goodbye to them on Saturday. They sailed away for their next adventure. I only hope our paths cross again, soon. 

Since becoming so involved with other liked minded cruisers or ones that are preparing to set sail we have found we keep meeting people that just fit with us but then we have to say goodbye. Thank goodness for internet but I still miss them all terribly. We still reminisce of old friends and wish some how we could see them more. Yet it seems like it isn't possible when you are a traveler. Boo

So besides saying goodbye to good people we continue to get to know others here better.  One gentleman is an Italian that sailed here from Cuba. He is on a large ketch sailboat anchored close by.  Evidently, it was badly damaged on the passage here. But it is full of tressures. We have bought a few things from him that he was willing to part with. We bought a stainless swim 
ladder and a garmin antenna for our AIS. 

He told us that he use to be in Panama and found tressures on abandoned boats along the coast. He has been selling items so he could afford to fly back to Cuba to see his family. I believe he has finally saved enough and might be home by Christmas. So glad we could help. 

The cruisers that will be here for Thursday' American Thanksgiving holiday are gathering to have our own Thanksgiving here in Mexico. I volunteered to bring the mashed potatoes. Danny the owner of Bahia Tortuga is our host and he graciously offered to supply the turkey and dressing. He is always so giving especially to the cruisers. 

We have asked our landlubbers Canadians to join us. I believe the other cruising Canadians will also be there. Maybe even the British cruising couple. I love all the different nationalities at one table. It should be lots of fun. 

Today, David and Tina (Canadian Landlubbers) picked us up in a golfcart and we went to have lunch at Marias Kan Kin. A place I spoted on the Southwest side of the island by dinghy. Lunch was great and their beach and pool was fabulous. 

Weather had been great lately but we are expecting another front on Wednesday. So very windy and possible rain. I believe another one is forecasted for next week as well. At least it isnt cold. Can't complain here in Paradise. 

Snooches until next week

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