
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Exploring the Island

We are really starting to get oriented with the island, not that it is very big. The Island is only around five miles long, the width varies but we are guessing maybe a mile wide. 

Steve has picked a place he loves to get enchiladas verdes, which is right outside the Marcado that we love to pick up most of our produce. It is also right down from the place we have our laundry washed and folded. Haha. Yes we pay someone to wash and fold our clothes. Its hard work being a cruiser. Hahah. The life of a Boat Diva. 

We did have to hunt down the boat store. Steve couldn't find it on his own but with my assistance and a get picture from a friend we found it with no problem. 

We were in luck because he had what we were looking for. A bit pricey but it's expected since the owner has to go to Cancun weekly to replenish his inventory. 

One day we went snorkeling. From where we are anchored we can see a reaf where all the commercial tour boats take visitors. We went to check it out, it was great. It was the best snorkeling Ive done. I have only snorkeled twice, once in Cancun and once in the Caymans. I saw way more fish this time. I posted a video on YouTube in case anyone wants to check it out. 

We took the dinghy down to the south end of the island. What a pretty place we are staying. Just Gorgeous! 

So that little dinghy ride made me really want to check out the south end. I got the nerve to ask Danny, who owns Bahia Tortuga, nicest guy around, if we could rent his golf cart for a few hours. Being the great guy he is, he said we could take it as long as we wanted. We asked our fellow cruisers/anchor neighbors if they would like to join us. We love hanging out with them because they have a lot of experience cruising and we are learning a ton. 

So yesterday we took off and checked out the south end. So lovely. 

Top of Tortuga 

Iguanas coming to check out their "god". Hahah just kidding 

An Iguana Statue (their "god")

All of these photos are from the park at the south end of the Island

Here Im trying to get my picture with an iguana but he was camera shy

I think Michael was looking for Cay Pans (? Spelling) to make chowder with. 

Expensive drinks after our hike. The only way to get Michael in the picture. Hahah. Love it. 

Possible Ruins on the way back. 

Had a great weeK. Now Steve is planning our trip to Belize in January. We are both excited to see what it hold for us. We hear the snorkeling is amazing there. 

We are also looking forward to the holidays here on the Island and getting more acquainted with the locals and learning about their history.  

1 comment:

  1. I tried to watch your snorkling video on YouTube but was unable to find it. I have watched the ones on your blog with no trouble. Is it different? Glad all is well. Love, Jan
