
Saturday, November 1, 2014

All is good living aboard in Isla

Well we finished our first month here as cruisers in Isla Mujeres. Funny someone told us yesterday that we dont look like "cruisers". Haha. We laughed and asked if it was because we had on shirts and shoes, he didnt explain but we found it interesting. What do cruisers look like?  

In any case we are finding our way around the Island and Im trying to walk as much as possible. I'm sure I need to really condition myself for this cruising life.   

We found the few hardware stores and Steve has been busy fixing things here and there. He has his list. He had to remake a step for us to get on the boat with, the one he made before was washed overboard on our passage here. I think he did a great job with the limited materials available. 

We have been trying to retake a photo that we took the last time we were here in 2003. This time with OUR boat anchored behind us   

Have to work on the photo, the lighting just isn't right hahah

We had a good time with fellow cruisers at Bahai Tortuga' for their Halloween party. I wish I could of gotten some better pictures. I was able to post some videos on my Facebook. 

Here are a few other pictures we took of Fairlane being her cute self. 

Until next time my friends 

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