
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Week one in Isla Mujeres

Well things are coming together just right. Check in was a breeze. Total cost I believe was $150 and that was with an agent. Oh wait we also paid $20 for Fairlane' health certificate which is way better than $100 plus in the states. We didnt even have to go anywhere, they came to us. Awesome!

El Milagro Marina and Hotel was awesome. We spent our first few days there and paid for their agent to help us with the check in, Juilio was amazing, he really knows how to get things done. Thank you. 

The marina and hotel has great accomendations.  We had hot showers, beach settings, we enjoyed their paddle boards and bikes. And their laundry service uses some type of soap that smells wonderful. They were so sweet to us, even invited us to their BBQ, even though we left that day. So enjoyed the staff treating us to their traditional food. Amazing food and company. 

We left Wednesday afternoon, found the fuel dock and our anchorage. We picked a place next to a couple who also have a Portland Pudgy. We figured they knew what they were doing and followed suit. 

Today, we dinghy into a place that we heard would let us leave our dinghy while ashore and get water if we order something. The owner is from Texas as well and burgers were on the menu so no problem we would be glad to eat there. hahah  We walked downtown to find a grocery store, wow! Isla has really gotten busy since we were last here in 2003. I think we will stick to the other side of the Island. So many tourist. 

Tomorrow, I might swim to the beach. I think I can make it. 

I might not be able to get back. Lol

This is our view of where we are anchored

These next pictures of when we traveled to the fuel dock. I especially enjoy the photo of Steve talking with the worker at the fuel dock. Neither of them undestood each other. Priceless

1 comment:

  1. I forgot, you asked about handwashing. Well, we only do it when we're ok for water, the rest of the time we just get smellier. If we want to do a really big wash; cushion covers, bedding etc. then we close off our cockpit drains so that all rain falling on the boat goes to fill the cockpit. Then we tread the washing; works great. Otherwise we just use our trusty rubber bucket, wash cleanest things first and use about 4 gallons all told. Mexican clothes washing soap is much better than powder for hand washing, also the dish wash tubs are great too; pots of nice smells.

    Shine on!
