
Friday, October 17, 2014

Tidbits of our passage

Here is a funny story. In our pantry locker I have plastic (oxo) containers of things like flour, sugar and so forth. Well the sugar container fell over and sugar spilled out through the luvers in the door. Sugar was everywhere. It happens. I wasnt too upset. I swept up what I could at the time and one calm day while we were motor sailing I thought, "aww good time to vaccuum it up with the shop vac". So I went down and drug out the vac and startrd at it. Steve of course worried about the power but because we had the motor on it didnt even put a dent in it. Well I was hard at it for a long time, just about the time I thought I was done I turned around and found that I had a huge mess. I forgot that I didnt have a filter on the vac. Uggg!  So I had to put a sock on it and clean up that HUGE mess. 

Live and Learn 

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