
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Super Chedrui (the grocery store)

So despit my cold I really wanted to check out the "big" grocery store on the island called Chedraui. I dont have the pronunciation down yet.  So we loaded into the dinghy and headed to Oscars up the lagoon. 

We figured we would have some of Oscar' famouse pizza then I would walk to the store and Steve would wait for me with Fairlane at Oscars. Well to our disappointment Oscars doesnt sell pizza until 5pm. So we settled on bean nachos. 

After having my fill of nachos and coke I took off on foot to Chedrauis. It wasnt very far but it was a curvy road. I decided on my way there that I was catching a cab back. I was in no condition to be carrying several bags back on that road by myself. 

Found the store right in a major corner. It is a two story building. It had new scooters out front and on the ground floor of the building that were for sale. It looked as if you are to get your cart and go up a steep escalating belt with it. So I did just that. 

The second floor had registers and clothing in the front. Looked as if a deli, specialty foods and a bakery were to the  right. They had yogurts and cheese. Their meat market seemed pretty small and carried small packages of chicken. I was told to expect to find chicken and pork in Central America but they didnt have too many options. I wonder of they have local meat markets and fish stores. 

Produce department seemed fine enough, even had broccoli, but NO mangos or bananas. Boo. I did find juice and pleanty of it. 

So I finished up with my list and cashed out. Went down the belt and a little taxi appeared. Nice!  It cost me thirty peso to get a ride down the street where I found Steve and Fairlane where I left them. 

Steve loaded the dinghy with the bags and I went off to find some grass for The baby to potty. She didnt seem very intrigued by the facilities. The local dogs wanted to check her out and she wanted no part in that. Hahah. I did run across a laundry service. I need to check out her prices. 

Back to the boat and a long nap. 

Oh and here is a better pic of where we are anhored. We are the X

1 comment:

  1. Cool! So was that about $30 American Dollars? Nice! You might consider being vegietarians off and on when you can't find meat. Do you have any canned meats?
