
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Summer cold in Paradise, what the heck

Well its Sunday and I have a small summer cold. That really sucks. I suppose I shouldnt complain too much I am still in a beautiul place with this cold. 

We have been pretty busy lately. I probably should slow down. We will be here for three months so there is plenty of time. 

Ive swam ashore the other day and back. Really enjoying the water and being close to shore. 

We met a couple from Kemah that are down here, Tim and Reba Weeden on Trpical Fun. They were kind enough to invite us out for taco night along with our neighbors on Syrinx, Michael and Gretchen Ogden, from Maine. Had a wonderful evening and learned a lot about the area. 

We went to the beach yesterday in the dinghy. The water is crazy blue and clear. I hope we get this type of water for all of our travels. 

Here are some pictures and a few are for Steve' old co-workers. He is suppose to take this bottle of tequila to each place we visit. It was full when we took the picture but then we opened it and each had one drink out of it. We will get it back out in Belize 

Oh fogot to tell you I made my first loaf of bread on the hook. Thanks again Pancho. 

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