
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Living Simply

Life aboard this week has been pretty mundane. No complaints here. We took the Tica bus to Coxen Hole and was able to withdraw some money, hurray!  Did our Eldon' shopping for the week, which we do for the price of things. 

We are staying on the west end of Roatan where the tourist areas are, so prices are a tad more. That' one of the reasons we go to Coxen Hole for some grocery items and  we enjoy getting out and about. We have enjoyed the west end because we have access to more places even to only walk down the street and people watch or window shop. 

Ive been practicing the making of flour tortillas. I think ive finally got it 

I enjoy making them more than bread. I can make up a bowl of balls and cook them through the week.

I thought I would share what I work on while on the boat. Many of you know I have taught myself to crochete and embroider. Ive been working on making a lacy throw made of yarn people have given me. Im slow but I think its coming along. 

I wish I had more pictures of this beautiful place for you but Im down to the ipad and I dont feel comfortable enough to carry it around with me. 

We have been snorkeling and going ashore daily. This morning a local brought us a fresh black fin tuna. Life is very easy here. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. Hahah.  

I love looking at this map. Some days it seems like we have gone so far but then I look at this and see how far we have to go. 


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