
Monday, May 25, 2015

Aww Roatan

Well we are still in French Harbor Roatan. Looking forward to heading to the West End on Wednesday when these trade winds die down a lil bit. Steve has kept busy with cleaning the teak and bottom of Saga Sea. I have been enjoying the boat and being back on her. Actually I have be obessed with the upcoming baby. We have named her Schooner. She is a toy Aussie. I have in gulfed myself in information regarding the breed. She looks like she will be a perfect match for us. Cant wait to meet her. 

We have bought the tickets to fly to Houston the first of September. We plan to stay a month. We will pick up Schooner and settle some banking issues. As well as spend as much time with family and friends. Im hoping my kids can join us with picking up Schooner. 

The bad thing about being back on the boat and in this location is we are just a short dinghy ride and walk from the major store on the island. We will now miss out on our daily exercise. Im hoping to add in swimming when these winds die down. 

Here is a picture of roosters that we pass when walking to the store. They must be used for cock fighting. 

Here is a good shot of Saga Sea anchored in French Harbor

Oh and here are some pics of us enjoying the cockpit. What we look like daily. 

Steve trying yet another local beer. Lol

Here is a shot from the other day. We stopped at Roatan Yacht Club for a burger before heading to the grocery 

Now we will keep ourselves busy with maintenance on the boat and daily living chores. We are list makers so we will write a list of things to complete when back in the states and a list of things to bring back. We have started that list and surprisingly there isnt too much on it. I think times have changed when it comes to things being available globally. Its a good thing mostly, I think....

Until next time

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