
Sunday, March 1, 2015

How we spend our day

Some may wonder what we actually do as "cruisers". Well mostly life is pretty much the same as in the states. The difference is everything is slower. The everyday chores take longer. We wash clothes by hand and hang them to dry. So that has to be done every few days so it doesnt get out of hand or run out of clothes. We wash dishes by hand. Wash dry and put away so we have room in the kitchen. Our trips off the boat require a dinghy ride which sometimes can be wet. 

Steve continues to have his list of either maintenance or repairs for the boat. Doing them is done in accordance to the weather. 

The weather seems to have a huge impact on our lives now. We have to consider the wind and chop factor when going to shore. We also have to consider the wind when doing laundry. You want wind but not too much. 

We love the mountains but we have to prepare for bug when going ashore. We did yake a trip yesterday to some waterfalls. We hired a water taxi and went to the other side of the island. Three other cruising couples joined us when lowered the price. 

We hiked and snorkeled, it was great even though we were rained on a few times.   

Here are some pictures 

The water was low so the falls werent as grand as normal

Our water taxi and guide Giovani

This is Hinkley. He is so cute

This is Bo' place. It is a resort. We had lunch here. 

Resting before lunch

This is where Christopher Columbus landed on his fifth trip to the Americas


On the way back we stopped at a seafood market where it rained again on us. 

Well until next time


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