
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years

I have to admit this first of January doesnt feel like most.  I think because our new year started the first of October. It does trigger that its time to move on. We plan to leave for Belize in the next coming week or so, weather permitting. We are not going to announce when we leave because we don't want everyone counting days and worrying so much. 

It will be a short easy trip. We will only leave if we have a good weather window and we will sail very conservative, meaning staying reefed in at night for unexpected squalls. Saga Sea is short and fat, just like me, so she is steady but slow. Just how I prefer to travel. 

We will let everyone know when we arrive safe and sound. Remember, there are a ton of people doing this all the time. We are NOT the only ones out here. 

So, this week we went to Cancun to get some items and to look around a little. All I can say is WOW!  After being here a few months city life looks exhausting and undesirable. We buddied up with our new BFs from S/V Firefly and let me tell you, we couldnt keep up with the old couple. Proof the cruising life keeps you young. 

Here are a few pictures from our trip 

I had to get a picture of Cancun' Starbucks. 

Yes, those are fish eating dead skin off my feet. Warning, Not worth it. Stick to the normal Pedis

Im looking forward to small towns and getting out of the tourists towns. I know Belize wont be much better but its close and I hear the snorkeling is amazing. 

So the continued plan is to stay a few months then head to Roatan, but those are very loose plans. Remember the life of a pirate and gypsy is to leave without boarders and regulations 

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