
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Another week bumming it in Isla

So this week we have worked hard at finding other things to do besides eat out. So far we have stuck to our goal of keeping it to twice a week. Yeah for us!  

We had another fabulous snorkle trip. I didnt get any video this time. Sorry. The fish are just amazing. I could stay down there forever. 

Lets see what else... Oh I took a trip to get laundry and a few items from the express on a day with high chances of rain. I probably should of waited to go but I was looking forward to some alone time. I got caught in some real pour downs but luckily I was able to hide out in some coffee shops. The first one is where I found a book I must go back for, "The Old Gringo". I enjoyed to sitting in the little shack, lost in the story of an elder American going into Mexico by horse to die, while the rain was pounding on the wooden roof. Awesome atmosphere. 

I know I worried Steve because I was gone so long but I truely loved having that time to myself. Especially in those conditions. 

We have continued to explore the the town(s). Im attempting to get some sort of handle on the different communties. Central (Downtown) is the shopping and hotel area. Yet some locals live there. Some of them run shops outside their home. Like the bike shop, which is within a strip of shops. There is only a narrow garage with their house (apartment) attached. I wonder how many "locals" are actually from Isla. In any case that is what Im doing. Steve humors me and has been working on the bike a friend loaned him. 

Yesterday, we went to spend a few hours with the landlubbers from Canada. It was their last afternoon here. They took us to the part of the beach they have been enjoying. We ventured over to the exclussive Mia hotel. We were questioned at the bridge if we were coming for the restaurant. We of course said "Yes" and was allowed on the property. The Mia Hotel it at the tip of Playa Norte beach. It continues to be a victim to hurricanes, yet still remains beautiful. Here are a few photos 

Couldn't resist with that last one. Lol so cute. We hope to see them next year possibly in Panama. 

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