
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Never a dull moment in Mexico

Getting more into a routine. Everyday we would set off to find something just to get off the boat and get even more familiar with the town. I am also trying to get condition for our new life style of living without vehicles. We are truly enjoying getting back to the simple things in life. 

Monday we set off to find a hose to make our hand pump into a salt water pump. We originally had it set up as a back up fresh water pump in case the pressure pump broke.  We decided our back up filtered water foot pump could work for that and we could really utilize a salt water pump. 

During our quest I played tour guide to some folks at Mango' where we stop for breakfast. One of the couples have plans to stay on the island for several weeks so I gave them our contact information and forged on. 

We were unsuccessful in the morning but did manage to get our grocery shopping done. Steve went back out and eventually found it. 

He is much like a dog with a bone. He needs to complete his project in one day or it drives him nuts which in turn drives me nuts. I was more than happy to stay behind and put away groceries. Im so relieved he was able to complete the project and we now have salt water to rinse things off so we save our fresh water. 

Tuesday was a lovely day. We spend it scrubbing the water line and propeller. I also tortured Fairlane some by getting putting her on her float and taking her to shore. I know one day when it is hot she will appreciate that float. 

We of course joined the other cruisers for Taco Tuesday. It always nice to get with others and get different perspective on what we are doing. Yet I did find that when middle aged couples get together around a table it is difficult for the women to discuss things we deal with, such as cleaning and cooking. So I asked the ladies if they would be interested in meeting for coffee on Wednesdays. You know me and coffee dates. I just love them. So that is what we did and it was perfect. We we able to discuss things other than engine and boat system issues. I look forward to more of them. 

Thursday is laundry day so we walked downtown to drop it off and tried yet another delicious restaurant, Ruben's. 

Oh and Steve scored a GPS antenna that a fellow cruiser announced over the VHF radio during the mornings Cruisers' Net, that he was interested in passing along to someone else. That was pretty funny because he raced to beat someone else. He heard someone try to call the fellow on the radio after the broadcast so he jumped into the dinghy and caught the owner of it before the other guy. He was hilarious. Funny what entertains us when we have less responsibilities. 

We ended Thursday celebrating a fellow cruiser's Birthday at Tortuga. Fun fun fun 

Friday was a day filled with stories we will tell forever. We stayed in touch with the couple we met at Mango on Monday. We met them for lunch. Actually we met them then took them on our dinghy to a little Cuban place on the Lagoon, Vandutch El Varadero. We love our dinghy. She is small but mighty. So we arrive and ask if we can tie up to their dock and they said yes but that they dont open until 1:30. At least that is what we thought they said. So we asked if we could walk around before then and they said yes. So we venturing out of the small compound when a jeep stopped us and asked if we speak Spanish. He proceeded in asking if we found the restaurant and we said yes but it doesn't open until 1:30. He seemed upset and told us to come back.  So we followed him back in and had a great lunch with new friends. 

While we were eating a huge boat filled with beautiful latin women came up and demanded the dock so we moved our small little Putz Sea to accommodate the very beautiful ladies. Hahah. When we finished we loaded back in and headed back to the boat. 

On our way back we encounter one of the many party catamaran filled with people waving and laughing at us in poor little PutzSea. The crew waved us over to give us drinks that they made for us. Can you believe that, they made us four pink drinks that were definitely filled with liquor. Steve of course announced how he really loves Mexico. Hahah. Unbelievable! We really ended up entertaining our new friends.  I wish I got a picture of all this but we were in other people' photos. People took our picture from the Catamaran, so we were their entertainment as well.  

This is a picture of a guy/gal gretting us as we walked back to town to get our laundry.  

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