
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Going Away Party

Wow what a great party last night. Sure made us feel very loved. Steve didn't feel much last night but this morning he felt the room spinning and loved. Lol. He couldn't believe how everyone came out to see us one more time before we leave. People that we have shared our plans and dreams with since the beginning. It was awesome!  

We want to thank everyone for all the warm wishes and for coming to share a hot, steamy night with us filled with bug bites galore. Nothing like a summer night in Texas. We are going to enjoy every drink of all the great bottles of wine, champaign and liquor.  All of you have set us up for a good year of entertaining all the new friends we will meet along the way. We even have supplies and recipes from some seasoned cruisers. How awesome is that?!  They have already shared some very valuable information on cruising. We love the boating community; Never have we experience the love and acceptance as we have with it. 

We know that not everyone can do what we are about to do and for that we feel that we are not only doing it for us but for all the others. We all have a road to take in this life. We hope we encourage others to live life to the fullest on whatever road they are on. 

Unfortunately, we didn't take pictures but a few friends did, thank goodness. Here are just a few.  

Steve and his mom (Jean Boyd)

Oh Good Times!

Thanks again to all

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